Inspired by HOPE tim Srbija u najtežoj trci na svetu! Trčaće u čast svih obolelih od PH širom planete!

Inspired by HOPE tim će po prvi put učestvovati na jednoj ovako velikoj i značajnoj trci, Sahara Race 2017 u Namibiji u dužini od 250km u trajanju od 7 dana. Inspired by HOPE tim čine Jovica Spajic i Marina Lazić, dvoje izuzetno plemenitih i humanih ljudi, koji će na ovoj epskoj teškoj trci trčati u posebno dizajniranoj opremi sa jednim ciljem – da skrenu pažnju javnosti na postojanje jedne retke i teške bolesti, kakva je Plućna Hipertenzija. Ultimativna trka za ultimativnu bolest, za ultimatvne trkače, za ultimativne PH borce. Trčaće u čast svih osoba na svetu koji su pogođeni ovom bolesti.
Na ovoj strani će biti dostupne sve informacije sa trke u Namibiji, kako pre, tako i tokom celog trajanja trke. Objavljivaćemo najnovije dnevne vesti, slike, video materijale. Imaćemo direktan kontakt jedanput dnevno, svakoga dana, sa našim timom u Namibiji, (ukoliko budu radili sateliti tokom trke). Obavestićemo Vas i na koji način možete direktno da im pošaljete poruke, a takođe sve poruke koje postavite na ovoj stranici će im biti prenešene. Postavićemo i linkove na kojima možete i preko drugih društvenih mreža da pratite najznačajnije detalje i informacije sa trke.
Inspired by Hope tim je osnovan od strane Udruženja pacijenata PH Srbija, sa znanjem da pronalaženje leka, počinje sa podizanjem svesti u javnosti o ovoj bolesti. Čine ga trkači, ultramaratona, maratona i polumaratona. Koristimo ove ekstremno izdržljive i najteže sportske discipline kao platformu za podizanje svesti u javnosti, pokušavajući da edukujujemo ljude o PAH, o značaju uspostavljanja što ranije dijagnoze i njihovim potrebama za adekvatnim terapijama, inspirišuće druge da se uključe u našu misiju, da pomognu našem timu u što boljem funkcionisanju i organizovanju kako bismo postali što vidljiviji. Svaki dan kašnjenja sa uspostavljenjem terapije je nenadoknadiv za pacijenta. Probaćemo da kao tim učestvujemo u svim najznačajnim i najtežim trkama u Srbiji, regionu i svetu i tako dati originilni i veliki doprinos o podizanju svesti o PH.
PH je retka, veoma teška i progresivna bolest, pogađa osobe svih uzrasta, bez obzira na pol i rasu, a najviše decu i mlade. Najteži oblik PH je – plućna arterijska hipertenzija (PAH), koja napada arterije u plućima i sprečava dotok kiseonika u pluća, zbog čega srce radi pod velikim pritiskom i opterećenjem i usled toga slabi i gubi funkciju. U svetu postoji 14 terapija ali lek još uvek nije pronađen. U svetu boluje oko 25.000.000 osoba od PH od čega oko 150.000 od najtežeg oblika Plućne arterijske hipertenzije (PAH). U Srbiji od PAH boluje oko 180 osoba, uglavnom mladih, između 20 do 40 godina.
Naša misija:
Da treniramo i trčimo u čast onima koji su pogođeni Plućnom hipertenzijom
Da podignemo svest o ovoj bolesti
Da postanemo što vidljiviji i podržimo PH zajednicu
Da inspirišemo druge da se aktivno uključe i ovoj trci za život.
Inspired by HOPE team will, for the first time, participate in such a great and important race, Sahara Race 2017 in Namibia, a distance of 250km for 7 days in the period from 30.04. – 06.05 2017. Inspired by HOPE team is made for this race Jovica Spajić and Marina Lazic, two very noble and humane people, who will this epic race run in a specially designed equipment with an aim to draw public attention to the existence of a rare and serious diseases, such as pulmonary hypertension. The ultimate race for the ultimate disease, ultimatvne for runners, for ultimate PH fighters. They’ll run in honor of all the people in the world who are affected by this disease.
On this page will be available all information with runners in Namibia, both before and during the entire duration of the race. Will publish the latest daily news, pictures, videos. We will have a direct contact once a day, every day with our team in Namibia, (if they worked satellites during the race). We will notify you and how you can directly send messages, but also all the messages you post on this site will be transferred to them. We set up and links to where you can via social networks to keep track of the most important details and information on the race.
Inspired by Hope team was established by the Association of Serbian PH patients, knowing that finding a cure starts with raising public awareness about the disease. It consists of runners, Ultra Marathon, Marathon and Half Marathon. We use this extremely durable and the most difficult sports events as a platform to raise public awareness, trying to educate people of PAH, the importance of establishing an early diagnosis and their needs for adequate therapies, inspiring others to get involved in our mission to help our team in what better functioning and organization to become more visible. Each day of delay with the establishment of the therapy for the patient irreparable. We’ll try to participate as a team in all the most significant and the most difficult races in Serbia, the region and the world and thus give a major contribution to raising awareness of PH.
PH is a rare, very severe and progressive disease, affects people of all ages, regardless of gender or race, but most children and young people. The most severe forms of PH – Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), in which regeneration of the artery in the lungs, and prevents the supply of oxygen to the lungs, due to which the heart works under high pressure and load, and consequently are weak and loses its function. In the world there are 14 treatment or cure has not been found. Worldwide about 25 million people suffering from PH, of which about 150,000 of the most severe forms of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). In Serbia from PAH affects about 180 people, mostly young people between 20 and 40 years.
Our mission:
To train and run in honor of those affected by pulmonary hypertension
To raise awareness about the disease
To become more visible and support the PH community
To inspire others to get actively involved and the race for life.
#InspiredByHope #PHSrbija #PHSerbia #pulmonaryhypertension #getbreathlessforph #WPHD